Sunday 1 August 2010


Ever had a dream that was so real that you woke up feeling in love/pissed off or whatever with someone?

They say that the reason we dream is because during sleep, our brain stops releasing a chemical (or starts releasing one?) that allows us to distinguish between memories and reality. It's quite a useful evolutionary trait- seeing as if we mistook the memory of a predator for a real one (or the other way round) we'd be pretty fucked. Today my brain still feels like it's in the dream- I'm still feeling emotions that were born during sleep, and I feel really distanced from reality and real life. It's a very weird and surreal feeling, as if it's all still a dream and I could swipe my hand through a wall at any moment, or teleport around the place without any logical problems. People seem to have a certain flatness around them, a kind of blurriness around the edges.

I think I need to go back to sleep... or wake up?

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