Monday 2 August 2010

Who you callin' a faggot?

So basically today is the 2nd of August. What's so special about that you may ask? Well clearly something- or I wouldn't be writing this, would I?

Today is national paratroopers day. 'Big fucking deal!' you may blurt out as you read this, because I get you so emotionally wound up with my deep thoughts and language. Well I'll tell you. The reason why it's a big deal is because these are RUSSIAN ex-servicemen (the woman soldier joke hasn't caught on in Russia yet). These are drunk Russian ex-servicemen that have got together from one of the most notorious parts of the Russian army.

So today I have seen a lot of really loud guys walking around in a horizontally striped shirts, shouting and swearing and all the kind of stuff that happens when a bunch of guys get together. You might be thinking of those Jean Paul whatever perfume adverts, with that muscly guy prancing around with a stripy shirt and a funny hat, but you would be awfully wrong.

if this was made by the Russian paratroopers, it would smell of blood, sweat and come

This day is notorious in Russia for trouble- fights, damage and general destruction. The amount of police I've seen out today has been insane, as well as the heavy gunners- the Russian military police. Just during the day I've seen bottles thrown, women grabbed and getting their arses slapped the minute they walk past them, regardless of whether they're with a guy, their mum or whatever. Tonight is gonna be a massive shit storm all over town, so tomorrow morning will be interesting. The taxi driver I had today got a phone call from his daughter on the way to dropping me off today to say that she got water poured all down her top, accompanied by the equivalent of 'get your tits out for the lads'. Basically all in all, bad times if you weren't or aren't a soldier.

I've also noticed loads of prostitutes out in force today. You can tell the whores from normal girls because of how smiley they all are. Seeing as it's summer, all the girls are barely wearing anything, but normal girls here dress like pornstars (high heels and hot pants are a staple), whereas the prostitutes prefer dresses and to sit on park benches in groups of twos, smoking and making eyes at passing guys.

Apparently it's calmed down a bit compared to the stuff they pulled a while back ago- for example there used to be a few deaths each year.

Speaking of paratrooper I was told an interesting story/rumour that is a bit closer to home by an ex serviceman from England today. Apparently the paratroopers got so strong during the end of the 80's and beginning of the 90's that there were rumours that they were going to overthrow the government in England! Crazy. That's why they were split up into 3 sections, apparently.

Anyways, I'm off to Kiev next. This is when the trip will get really crazy. Stay tuned.

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